Risk Division of Bank Reduced Incidents by 47% through better scanning of changes

Client Issue

A large international bank embarked on a major upgrade implemented over six phases and were experiencing a high level of incidents because of this.


The Risk VP contacted Thinking Dimensions to evaluate the existing risk process and design an improved way to scan and analyze risks more effectively.

  1. TD interviewed existing staff members and in an intuitive way got ideas of what was wrong and what should be fixed.
  2. TD then identified all the appropriate stakeholders and used their inputs to modify the existing process and also created a tools to screen all changes through certain proven criteria.
  3. TD then provided job aids for the embedded KEPNERandFOURIE tools and templates.
  4. TD staff provided on the job coaching in using the templates and tools correctly.


Results CONTACT US for more information

Incidents as a result of the upgrade changes reduced by 82.5% causing a positive reduction of the overall incidents by at least 47%.

The service delivery staff had more time to assess risks and could cover the evaluation of more changes in the specified time period, resulting in a good productivity improvement and enjoyment of work by the individuals involved in this project.

It CSI Client Results

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