Key Capabilities Create the Value that Drives Competitive Advantage

By Keith Pelkey on Feb 24, 2015 5:09:00 PM

Key Capabilities are those processes and people who perform the value-added activities that build a company’s product/service offerings and support the growth of markets served.  Projects to enhance capabilities minimize business/operational costs, maximize product/service quality, and deliver repeatable on-time performance.  Key Capabilities are the value creation engine that forms the foundation for building business Competitive Advantage.
Topics: leadership
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Implementation - This is the Acid Test of Good Leadership

By Mat-thys Fourie on Oct 7, 2014 4:06:07 PM

So many times, teams would work tirelessly to develop the best possible solution for a company to emerge from a disaster or to achieve a highly valuable objective, just to see all their efforts going up in smoke. We never seem to find a problem with the motivation of the team at the beginning of a project, but somehow that same team loses their motivation and will to effectively implement a solution.

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