Mat-thys Fourie

Washington, DC, United States | Founder & Chairman of Thinking Dimensions Global
Mr. Fourie is a thought leader on how IT professionals apply Incident Investigation techniques on a repeatable and sustainable basis within their organizations. His strength lies in customizing and embedding the various techniques within existing CSI, Incident and Problem Management practices.

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What I Would Do Differently in 2015...

By Mat-thys Fourie on Dec 23, 2014 3:58:00 PM

As a consultant, I interact with a wide variety of problem solving situations, from Nuclear, Project Office to Information Technology. However diverse the industry the pitfalls are still the same. The following are four interesting but important lessons, when followed would make a world of difference in leading problem solving sessions in 2015.

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That is Root Cause... Really?

By Mat-thys Fourie on Dec 9, 2014 3:49:28 PM

I’ve been working with Root Cause Analysis practices for the last 29 years and never found so many different views on Root Cause as in the IT Industry. The term “root cause” is loosely used to describe many kinds of causes and we need to clarify this first.

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How to Avoid Risks Destroying Your Day!

By Mat-thys Fourie on Nov 4, 2014 4:05:11 PM

You want to do what?!

Human beings have no problem getting themselves out of trouble, but do have a major problem anticipating potential risks. The pitfall of modern business in most situations is that we are dealing with major new initiatives and constant changes, but we are not seeing the “blind spots”. 

Topics: Risk Analysis
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Implementation - This is the Acid Test of Good Leadership

By Mat-thys Fourie on Oct 7, 2014 4:06:07 PM

So many times, teams would work tirelessly to develop the best possible solution for a company to emerge from a disaster or to achieve a highly valuable objective, just to see all their efforts going up in smoke. We never seem to find a problem with the motivation of the team at the beginning of a project, but somehow that same team loses their motivation and will to effectively implement a solution.

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By Mat-thys Fourie on Sep 30, 2014 6:35:00 PM


Decisions fail everyday in most organizations, and the reason for this does not seem to get through to decision makers. If you do a study to get to the bottom of why decisions fail you would uncover two factors as being the main culprits for this failure. That is “ Lack of Stakeholder inputs” and “ Lack of using a proper decision making process”.

Today, let’s talk about the first and most important one – stakeholder inputs. We could make a statement that the level of collaborative inputs equals the level of implementation commitment and we will not be far from the truth. In fact the following equation is most applicable in decision making:

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