Business Imperative to Accelerate Operational Improvement Initiatives

By Keith Pelkey on Mar 3, 2015 11:55:00 PM

Companies need and demand fast results to be competitive!  Since the late 1980s, top performing businesses have ventured into various operational improvement methodologies with mixed results.  The marketing of methodologies promotes that “the new” approach is better, easier, or more sustaining – hence TQM, Six Sigma, Malcolm Baldrige, Lean Mfg, ISO 9000.

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Why Do Some Improvement Projects Fail?

By Nick Bickell on Dec 2, 2014 5:54:49 PM

In all organisations at any point in time, there are a number of initiatives under way to improve performance.  These may be formal or informal, generated in meetings or in the tea room, part of a company wide Continuous Improvement Drive, products of a suggestion scheme or quality circle, knee-jerk reactions to recent incidents etc.

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